Listening to My Body: The Heartburn That Wasn’t Just Heartburn

Listening to My Body: The Heartburn That Wasn’t Just Heartburn

Ever had that relentless kind of heartburn? The kind that doesn’t just sit in your chest but claws its way into your back, making you feel like you’re one giant knot of discomfort? Yeah, that was me a few weeks ago. Out of nowhere, I was hit with this intense, sharp, almost crushing esophagus tightness—like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was painful, and nothing, I mean nothing, seemed to help.

Pepto? Tried it. Almond milk? Yep. Water? Chugged it. Even went for soda just to see if bubbles might do the trick. Nothing worked. I was in for a good 12 hours of this ruthless battle with my own body, feeling like I couldn’t tell where I began or ended.

And then, in the middle of all this, I had a thought: That’s my solar plexus chakra! Now, I know not everyone might be familiar with the chakras, but this one is all about your identity, confidence, motivation, focus, and purpose. I had to ask myself, Is something out of alignment here?

So, I started digging. I retraced my steps and checked in with myself: Have I been neglecting my sense of identity lately? Ignoring my motivation or purpose? Were any of my relationships causing friction? Honestly, nothing stood out. But here’s the thing—sometimes, our bodies show us things we aren’t fully conscious of yet. In my experience, unfamiliar emotions or unresolved thoughts can surface as physical symptoms, especially when you’ve made your body a safe space to alert you of what’s up.

Since I’ve reclaimed my body as my home, a safe space where I’m allowed to feel without judgment, it’s become more vocal, alerting me to things I might not be dealing with consciously. It’s like, now that my body trusts me, it feels safe enough to say, “Hey, this needs your attention.” And honestly? That’s a fair trade in my healing journey. But that doesn’t mean I’m above finding effective, practical tools to keep myself balanced. I mean, life is busy—who has time for 12-hour heartburn? If my body’s saying something’s off, I’m going to listen and do something about it.

So, back to this intense heartburn episode. I thought, Okay, my body’s telling me something. Time to get proactive. I decided to look up the mudra (a hand gesture used in meditation) and affirmation associated with the solar plexus chakra. I know how powerful it is to connect and be intentional with the energy in your hands—it’s like channeling your focus into something tangible.

After some research, I found what I needed. I took a few deep belly breaths and practiced the mudra, visualizing a steady flow of healing white light entering through my hands and moving to my solar plexus on each inhale. On the exhale, I imagined dark energy leaving my body through my breath. I repeated the affirmation tied to the solar plexus, grounding myself in the process.

I was honestly surprised to feel some relief. I practiced this for about 10 minutes, and while I actively did the breathing and visualization, the heartburn faded. It wasn’t gone for good, but the intensity subsided. It slowly crept back when I stopped, but at least I knew I was onto something.

Later that night, I did a longer session—more deep breathing, more affirmations. And just like that, the heartburn was gone. No more tightness, no more burning. Was it nutrition-related? Maybe. Or maybe it was my body’s way of saying, “Hey, something needs your love and attention here.” Honestly, I’m still not sure, but what I do know is that tapping into that energy worked for me.

If you’re out there dealing with heartburn that just won’t quit, maybe try giving your solar plexus a little love. Practice some deep breaths, try a mudra, say an affirmation—sometimes our bodies are just asking for a little TLC. Sending you love, light, and a friendly reminder that you’re not alone in figuring this out.

With all the love and understanding,
A fellow heartburn survivor 💛

P.S. Always trust your body. It knows more than you think.

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